Choose the right team, right from the start.
Larger diameters, longer tunnels, tighter budgets and schedules and state-of-the-art tunnelling technology: the requirements for tunnel projects are becoming more challenging all the time. Having a skilled workforce available is always a key factor in turning man and machine into an unbeatable team and thus guaranteeing efficient progress in construction work. Global Tunnelling Experts offers an all-round service and advice in all project phases, to provide you with the ideal recruitment solutions for your tunnelling project.
We support you to the final completion of your project.
We provide experts with proven references for tunnelling projects. They can cover all requirements for mechanized tunnelling work, for all types of machine, back-up logistics and maintenance. We also provide specialists for NATM and deep drilling. It goes without saying that we take into account cultural and language issues when putting a team together and selecting its members. That means our experts can quickly become integrated in an existing team and respond specifically to your capacity needs.
You can rely on support from our personnel, even after the tunnel boring machine has achieved breakthrough. We provide experts for dismantling machines or refitting them if they are to be put to use elsewhere
We are never satisfied until you are. Without exception, our experts are all qualified specialists in their field. This means you can cover personnel shortages as and when they occur. Even professional supervision coverage is possible. For example GTE can provide experienced machine operators to train construction site crews and supervise your own tunnelling machine drivers. Experience has shown that an entire team can be trained to carry out independent and efficient tunnelling work within just a few weeks.
Advantages for our customers:
- no costs for seeking
- selecting and employing personnel
- only actual working hours are invoiced
- core crews can be relieved or complemented as required
- flexible use of personnel means new projects and innovative concepts are possible
- rapid adaptation to changing personnel needs