Whether tunneling is running in the blood or it comes through an active carrier change – We can offer our candidates training by one of the best players in the industry.
We have an extensive corporation with Herrenknecht AG, which ensures that the next generation of Tunnelling Experts lives up to the high quality that is in demand. This also means that our experts come with a big variety of backgrounds. Therefore, our experts are able to deal with many different work-related situations even beyond their duty.
Your project will benefit from such a versatile set of skills and it will help you maintain a tight and effective planning.
Esben Lisby Nielsen, 32 years old, is a certified Automation Technician with PLC and Alan Bradley experience. He decided to explore new terrain and is now undergoing TBM training at the factory of Herrenknecht AG. He is one of the experts who will soon start travelling the world.
We acknowledge the value of being able to attract new talents and we rely on their ability to provide our clients with the best possible service.
Our experts come from around the globe and those without TBM expertise start their career in Schwanau at Herrenknecht AG. We have a dedicated administrative GTE team present at this location, who handles and secure the quality of our personnel.