GTE @ Bauma 2022

The exhibition space, of BAUMA, is 614.000 square meter and welcomes more than 600.000 visitors from more than 200 countries.

See You Again at Bauma 2022

We’re back again and will be present at Bauma 2022 in Munich during the period October 24-30. We’re looking forward to be seeing you again

Summary from our booth at Bauma 2019

Global Tunnelling Experts (GTE) participated in BAUMA 2019 in Munich, Germany. We participated alongside, our mother company, Herrenknecht AG and shared a big booth with other group brands.

For us, BAUMA, represent opportunities to network, both with new possible employees and with clients. It is also a fantastic opportunity to highlight our pride and backbone: The GTE guys.

We had a successful and pleasant exhibition. But we especially had a very interesting and fun time preparing for BAUMA. We did a photoshoot of our GTE guys so we could, via a digital screen, show the BAUMA visitors what GTE really is. 12 very brave guys went out of their comfort zone and volunteered to be a part of the photoshoot. Look below and see the material and booth in the making.

Bauma Pre Shoot | Global Tunnelling Experts

We did set up a studio with a white background at the Herrenknecht Academy, Germany and our professional photographer took pictures of our GTE guys one by one.

Konan_Sylvain | Global Tunnelling Experts

One of the raw pictures before the final result.

Konan | Global Tunnelling Experts

The final picture displayed at BAUMA.

GTE booth @ Bauma 2019 | Global Tunnelling Experts
Bauma GTE Booth | Global Tunnelling Experts
Bauma GTE Booth | Global Tunnelling Experts

The top picture shows the booth of all group brands (incl. GTE) to the right and some of the HK booth to the left. Pictures below shows our final set up at the booth with the digital display.

The 12 brave GTE guys that we displayed at BAUMA 2019

Bauma Portraits | Global Tunnelling Experts
Bauma Portraits | Global Tunnelling Experts
GTE worker
Bauma Portraits | Global Tunnelling Experts
Bauma Portraits | Global Tunnelling Experts
GTE Worker
Bauma Portraits | Global Tunnelling Experts
Bauma Portraits | Global Tunnelling Experts
GTE Worker
Bauma Portraits | Global Tunnelling Experts
Bauma Portraits | Global Tunnelling Experts
GTE Worker

Our Marketing Material

Our marketing material developed for BAUMA 2019.

GTE Bauma Markting Material
GTE Bauma Marketing Material
GTE Bauma Marketing Material

See you at BAUMA 2022

Bauma 2019 - Global Tunnelling Experts
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